As a small local charity we receive minimal Government / Statutory funding and therefore rely on our funders as well as the kindness and generosity of the community, local businesses, families, carers and supporters of the charity to sustain the delivery of our services to support all those affected by Acquired Brain Injury throughout Northern Ireland.

Brain Injury is a lifelong chronic condition that is potentially one of the most devastating disabilities with a huge variety of effects due to the complexity of the brain. Every brain injury is very different and will vary greatly from person to person depending on the location and damage in the brain. A brain injury has not only a massive impact on the life of the individual, but also on their family, friends, colleagues etc. Acquiring a brain injury is a life changing event; here at Brain Injury Matters we offer support based on individual needs, age appropriate independence and goals & aspirations for the future.

By donating to Brain Injury Matters you can help us to continue our services and make a positive impact on the lives of children, young adults and adults living with an Acquired Brain Injury as well as their families.

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